2019 ‘Caught on Camera’ Photo Challenge

2019 ‘Caught on Camera’ Photo Challenge

2019 ‘Caught on Camera’ Photo Challenge


It’s been spotted on the plumbing valve in your basement, a vintage pump in your grandparent’s backyard, and along the sidewalk downtown. The A.Y. McDonald diamond and/or name is a staple to your community as these products help gain access to water and gas – and have been since 1856. With over a century and a half of history and knowledge on our side, the A.Y. McDonald brand is so much more than just the products we create and we believe that’s a fact that should be commemorated.

‘Click, click, click’. That’s the sound of your phone taking pictures of an A.Y. McDonald product; and that’s also the sound of you participating in our annual photo challenge. Due to the success of last year’s promotion, we’re giving ‘Caught on Camera’ a go for another year! From July 1 to September 30, 2019, use your camera/phone to capture every A.Y. McDonald product you come across. Upon doing so, send the picture via email to promotions@zlmmc8.com or through any of our social media pages (TwitterFacebookPinterestInstagramLinkedIn). We will then reach out in collecting your contact information so you can be sent an A.Y. McDonald branded set of metal multi-function pliers with tools & a flashlight, allowing you to be ready for any project that comes your way!

In addition, we are also continuing the calendar portion of the giveaway. After each photo submission, the picture will be placed in a Facebook album on A.Y. McDonald’s profile page where each ‘like’ will be treated as one vote. At the end of the campaign, the 12 pictures with the most votes will be placed in a 2020 calendar with photo credit given to those whose picture is chosen. Each person that submitted any picture to the ‘Caught on Camera’ photo challenge will receive a calendar while the ones whose picture is in the publication will receive ten calendars (and bragging rights).

We look forward to seeing where this journey takes you – and our products. But before channeling your inner paparazzi, get acquainted with the rules and logistics for A.Y. McDonald’s 2019 ‘Caught on Camera’ photo challenge:

  • (High resolution) pictures emailed should be submitted to promotions@zlmmc8.com    
  • (High resolution) pictures posted on either Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Instagram must use the hashtag #AYCaughtOnCamera and should be posted directly to our profile
  • Be as creative as you want to but please note that it must be obvious that the photo contains an A.Y. McDonald product
  • After the picture is sent to us, we accept all rights to the use of it
  • Participation includes anyone, including A.Y. McDonald employees, customers, family, and social media followers
  • You can submit as many pictures as you want but are limited to one promotional item per person
  • This campaign is set to last from July 1, 2019 to September 30, 2019. However, you have until October 7 to vote on the photos that will be used in the 2020 A.Y. McDonald calendar.